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It's hard to improve when you're pretty much it, right? You're an original, a trend-setter, and, well, completely hilarious. Always a pioneer, you know what you're good at and go with it, no matter what the critics think. At times controversial, you know that you have to make waves to get a big splash. No wonder your way of doing things is always ahead of the crowd.

Just because something's popular, doesn't mean it's hot. From clothes to music to movies, you're way above following trends. Look up "timeless" in the dictionary and there's your face. Such a classic!

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Unlike some people, your dream job doesn't involve lying on the beach somewhere or being paid to take naps. No, you love to get things done and get them done right (or at least, your way). That's why your dream job is to be president! Can't you just picture it? Being in charge and making the really important decisions? Changing the world each and every day? And forget about flying coach — you've got Air Force One. We bet that sounds like heaven for a driven go-getter like you.

Of course you don't have to come in first at the polls to succeed. As long as you remember to keep asking questions and demanding change, your vision can still help make the world a better place.

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Even if your face hasn't graced the covers of magazines the world over just yet, you share this beauty icon's effortless sense of style. Like your gorgeous and radiant counterpart, you're probably known for having timeless look that never goes out of fashion.

A natural beauty, you seem to understand that having a healthy body and bright smile is always in fashion. That's why you'd rather be well dressed in a way that isn't trendy or over the top. Leave the flashy glamour to other folks. You create a look that makes people focus on you and your natural assets. Keep it up!

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Ohmigod! You're, like, the hottie super-bum — just like your High School Musical match Troy. And we aren't just talking about that easy-on-the-eyes, cutie-pie mug you've got. You're also really good-hearted and willing to go the extra mile for the ones you love. And that makes them want to be around you even more.

From tough tests to rocky relationships — no matter what the obstacle, you're usually on top of your game. You are an inspiration to your family and a source of entertainment to your friends, whether they let you know it or not. The spotlight's on you, so enjoy it!

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Wild and crazy may not always be the way you go, but it's usually how you have the most fun. You don't have to follow the paved road since you'd probably rather forge your own trail anyway. Whether or not anyone can follow in your adventurous shoes is another matter.

Miss independent, miss self-sufficient. A free spirit like you goes your own way. We doubt you waste much time worrying what anyone else thinks. So whether you'll be happiest skydiving, joining the Peace Corps, or just shaking things up at home, we know you'll inspire others along the way. Now that's wild!

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When it comes to fashion, you're neither master nor slave. You love cute clothes (after all, you are a girl) but refuse to make it your life's work. That said, you do have your favorites — including a splurge or two. But it's okay; we won't let your secret out.

When you're out shopping with friends, you tend to be one of the more practical of the group. In fact, we'd guess you're rarely one to sacrifice comfort for fashion. Which is not to say you haven't been swept away by something fabulously impractical. But, be honest, when was the last time it made an appearance? So keep at it with your laid-back style that says to the world, "Here I am, no muss no fuss."


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